Monday, July 5, 2010

Sorry - RL got in the way.

Well I was wrong, the life of a WOW blogger is not a small flat on the Seine with the Eiffel Tower as your back drop. Sipping espresso, or a dark European beer while you stare at your replica Frostmourne on its epic ice shard stand through the smokey haze of your lemon grass incense (I don't smoke but had to have the smokey haze). Contemplating your next article.

It's actually staring at your computer screen not believing it has been about 4 weeks since your last article, gulping lukewarm coffee from your Tony Packo's Cafe mug, eyes watering because the dog is under your desk with a gas problem. Four weeks, where has the time gone? Well it was the four weeks of day job hell, the perfect storm of everyone on the planet wanting work done the same few weeks of the year. It happens every year. It's the daughter's grade six graduation (never got a grade six graduation - I think I am jealous). It's the wife and her grand dad going in for surprise operations (Is a surprise operation a good thing? They will be fine.), the back yard project (which went surprisingly well and under budget). And finally, the purchase of the Logitech G19 Keyboard and the massive learning curve of re-educating my fingers where my healthstone button is when I am on that alt or when another warlock is nice enough to give us one in a raid.

I have managed to play during these last four weeks, but with less focus. Summers here and I am torn between playing or tanning my pasty white behind. Fish here, daily there. I was 5 days behind in doing any of the Ahune daily instances. Only one toon got their scythe and only one other got the pet. One nice surprise was a ICC10 raid I managed to get into. You see, I am apparently on the cusp of the dreaded GS cutoff for getting into those raids. I usually do the /wave at the Dalaran fountain only to be told that my GS isn't high enough (this particular toon - 5400GS). Yes I know - I already did the GS rant. But this raid leader let me in. It was a guild run I think, with only a few of us tagging along as oddballs. They treated us as equals when it came to rolling on gear, nothing was "reserved" (we aren't talking the escargot in butter sauce at the cafe down by the Seine here), they seemed to be learning the instance. They were happy they got as far as they did, and we set a time to try and finish the instance before the reset. I actually got an invite through the calendar thing on the minimap (first time). I would like to give a shout out to the guys and gals in Devils Rejects - Malfurion for an enjoyable time. I hope we go a long way in finishing the ICC 10 tonight. I guess the devil rejected them for being nice.

Time to scoot, I have to go wield my mighty Frostbroom and sweep off the patio and finish the rest of my chores before my wife gets home from work. I might even have another cup of lukewarm coffee while I contemplate my next blog which I promise won't be 4 weeks from now.

Hats off to the writers and all the other bloggers that do this full time.

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